If your account subscription allows, it’s possible to schedule reports in the Hub. Scheduled reports can be run for specific accounts or contacts, message statuses, and inbound/outbound message direction.
1. To create a scheduled report, go to the menu and click on the icon, then select Scheduled Reports:
2. Click on the Schedule report button:
3. In the resulting modal, you can select the required parameters:
A) Report Name - if you give your report a name associated with the parameters, it'll be easy to identify from your list of reports.
B) Report Type - select from Detailed report, User usage report, or Sub account usage report.
C) Date Range - select from Current day, Yesterday, Weekly (Mon-Sun), Weekdays, or Monthly.
D) Status - you can select all to include messages with any status in your report, or you can specify a status if you'd like a more focused report - for example, Undelivered messages. Select from Delivered, Submitted, Undelivered (Failed, Rejected, and Expired), Pending (Enroute, Held, and Undefined), and Read. To learn more about these message statuses, check out this article.
E) Message direction - select from Sent, Received, or both.
F) Account - select which account(s) you'd like to include in your report.
G) Report recipients - enter the email address of up to five recipients to receive the report.
H) Advanced parameters - you also have the option to specify which reporting fields to include in the CSV file, as well as choose the time zone,
I) When you've configured your report parameters, click on the Scheduled Report button and you should see your report in the list.
5. You can also Edit or Delete a scheduled report by clicking in the corresponding ellipsis (three dots) and selecting from the resulting menu: