If you no longer need to communicate with a contact you are able to delete them from the Messaging Hub.
Deleting Individual Contacts
1. Go to Contacts, then All Contacts.
2. Search for the contact, either by entering part of their name or full international number (e.g. +614xxxxxxxx) and pressing enter
3. Click on the ellipsis (three dots) at the end of the row and select Delete from the menu presented:
4. Selecting Yes, delete will confirm the deletion and close the confirmation:
You can also delete contacts by searching for them within a contact group. This is not the same as simply removing a contact from a group while retaining the contact record. Read this article to learn more.
Deleting Multiple Contacts in Bulk
From the All Contacts list, click on the selection box to the left of each contact you wish to remove. Upon doing this, a new button Delete will appear alongside Export Contacts - click Delete to delete the selected contacts from the Messaging Hub:
Important Things to Remember:
- Deleting contacts is a permanent action and cannot be undone
- We recommend exporting a list of your contacts as a backup before performing a bulk deletion
- Following deletion, a contact name will no longer be displayed in the Inbox
Deleting All Contacts
To delete all contacts at once, simply go to Contacts, then All Contacts, and click on the three dots to the right of the Import Contacts button:
This will reveal two options:
1. Delete subscribed contacts - this will delete all contacts who are currently in a Subscribed status (i.e. able to receive messages).
2. Delete unsubscribed contacts - this will delete all contacts in an Unsubscribed state (i.e. not able to receive messages - a.k.a "Blacklisted" contacts)
Important Things to Remember:
- Deleting contacts is a permanent action and cannot be undone
- We recommend exporting a list of your contacts as a backup before executing a delete all
- Following deletion, a contact name will no longer be displayed in the Inbox