The portal supports REST API Keys for Basic and HMAC Authentication as well as Legacy API Keys, and can be easily created and managed right from the Hub.
Important - only account Administrators can create and manage API keys, users with Basic and Advanced account permissions won't allow you to configure these settings. Please contact your account administrator for assistance. |
REST API Credentials | Basic Authentication
1. To create new Basic API Credentials, go to the menu and click on Settings and select API Settings:
2. Select the API tab, then find where it says Basic Authentication and click on Create new key:
3. In the resulting modal, provide a descriptive name and click Create Key:
4. Once your API Credentials have been created, you'll see this confirmation. Copy the credentials to the clipboard then click Ok:
Important - This is the only time the Hub will display the API Secret, so if you're not planning to use it right away, we recommend saving it somewhere you can find it later. If you lose the API Secret, you'll need to create a new key/secret pair. |
REST API Credentials | HMAC Authentication
1. To create new HMAC API Credentials, go to the menu and click on Settings and select API Settings:
2. Select the API tab, then find where it says HMAC Authentication and click on Create new key:
3. In the resulting modal, provide a descriptive name and click Create Key:
4. Once your API Credentials have been created, you'll see this confirmation. Copy the credentials to the clipboard then click Ok:
Important - This is the only time the Hub will display the API Secret, so if you're not planning to use it right away, we recommend saving it somewhere you can find it later. If you lose the API Secret, you'll need to create a new key/secret pair. |
Legacy API Credentials
If you're running any external platforms that still utilise the Hub SOAP API or the M4UD APIs, then you may need to create Legacy API credentials in order to facilitate new processes and workflows via those integrations.
1. To create new Legacy API Credentials, go to the menu and click on Settings and select API Settings:
2. Select the API tab, then find where it says Legacy API Credentials, and click on Create new key:
3. In the resulting modal, create a suitable Username and Password:
A) Username - 5 or more lowercase characters only, without spaces or special characters.
B) Password - 6 to 50 alphanumeric characters, including upper and lowercase.
4. You'll see a confirmation once your API Credentials have been created, click Ok: